The delegate members of clubs affiliated to LEGISE:NCMD(SR) (Landscape Explorers Group:National Council for Metal Detecting (Sourthern Region) met at the Bull Hotel, Wrotham at midday. The club delegates enjoyed a buffet lunch and then sat down to a long agenda. The first part of the meeting was the Annual General Meeting and Geoff was re-elected Treasurer and Lesley was elected to a new post of Membership Secretary. After refreshments the meeting continued with the Ordinary General Meeting. Towards the end of the meeting the representative finds made during 2011 were voted on, the winners of the coin, artefact and hoard categories to be submitted to the NCMD to be judged as part of the Robin and Karolyn Hatt Competition. WKDC submitted the gold Escudo found by Stephen and the Le Tene I brooch found by Gill but unfortunately neither of these were successful! The winners were a Saxon gold thrysma and a Medieval strapend of an unusal design. No hoard was submitted for judging.