September 2011. This is a picture of the 2011 Club Christmas card – the cartoon as choosen by the members at the September evening meeting. Thank you to John Williams for permission…
Search meeting – Sunday 28th October, 2012
The weather was dry but chilly on Sunday 28th October when club members gathered for the search. Geoff only searched for the morning but he came away with two nice bronze Roman…
PAS Conference – 22nd October, 2012
Lesley, Geoff, David and Ron attended the PAS Conference held at the British Museum on Monday 22nd October. The topic of the conference was Objects and Landscape: understanding the medieval period through…
Countryside Stewardship – Entry Level Scheme (ELS)
All detectorists should be aware of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme as it affects an increase number of farms. Included in this post is a document summarising ELS written by the Chairman of…
Paddy Doyle
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing on 27th September, 2012 of Paddy Doyle, who was a Club member…
LEGISE meeting – Saturday 20th October, 2012
The delegate members of clubs affiliated to LEGISE:NCMD(SR) (Landscape Explorers Group:National Council for Metal Detecting (Sourthern Region) met at the Bull Hotel, Wrotham at midday. The club delegates enjoyed a buffet lunch…
Evening meeting – Friday 19th October, 2012
Twelve members ventured out on a rainy evening to enjoy Lesley & Geoff’s presentation on Barrow Clump. This is one of the more interesting…
Recording of finds made on Club searches
Sorry, only logged in members of the West Kent Detector Club can access this.
Club search Sunday 9th September
A fantastic sunny day for the club search on Sunday 9th September. In Ken and Gill’s absence, Geoff ably assisted by Ron, led the seven searchers to the club site. Two fields…