Don’t forget tomorrow night’s evening meeting. We will be having a quiet meeting but please bring along any recent finds that you have made so we can all have a look at…
Evening Meeting – Friday 19th October, 2018
We very much enjoyed a talk by Robert Poole on Crossing points of the Thames and Medway.
North Kent Ploughing Match – Saturday 29th September
Two members, Geoff and Tim struggled and succeeded in putting up the club gazebo on their own and were then joined by Rae and Richard & Chris. The weather held fine for…
Graves at Keston
Geoff visited the tombs in a garden in Keston on Sunday, as mentioned at the evening meeting on Friday 21st September. The weather improved in the afternoon and these particular graves are…
Evening Meeting Friday 21st September, 2018
It was a quiet evening with no speaker arranged. We discussed our latest finds and drank tea and coffee. Nice group of finds on the competition table this month.
Evening Meeting – Friday 21st September, 2018
There is no speaker planned for the evening so please bring along your latest finds for a discussion topic.
Latest News from Kent FLO
Copy and paste these links into your browser for access to: The link to the latest newsletter: and conservation document can be found at:
Evening Meeting Friday 17th August, 2018.
Sorry, only logged in members of the West Kent Detector Club can access this.
Finds Reports from Kent FLO
I attach the last two finds reports from Kent FLO for you to look at. Lesley Kent Finds, April-June 2018 Kent_Finds Q2 2018