Several members spent the day at Keston Country Fair with the Club gazebo and display promoting the hobby.
Evening Meeting Friday 16th June, 2017
I have arranged for Simon Elliott to attend our monthly meeting on 16th June and I have obtained from him the following statement on the subject of his talk:- Simon Elliott, historian…
Sunday search – 11th June, 2017
Winter feed collection, huge field and a beautiful countryside view – thanks Rob for the picture.
WKDC Display at Lullingstone Castle 28th & 29th May
Club members plus members from Swale, Mid Kent and South-East London Clubs put on a display at Lullingstone Castle during their Medieval Re-enactment weekend. I think all those who attended had a…
Evening Meeting – Friday 19th May, 2017
We had a quiet meeting with member’s bringing along their ‘mystery’ finds. We discussed going to Shoreham Aircraft Recovery Museum for our July evening meeting and took a note of how many…
Club Gazebo
We thought you might like to see the new club gazebo which was jointly funded by us and by the NCMD Southern Region. The committee members erected it as a trial run…
Geoff recovers hay baler tines!
This morning we were called in by a local farmer to recover a couple of his hay baler tines (the red steel rods in the picture) which had been inadvertantly covered by…
Evening meeting Friday 21st April
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AGM – Friday 17th March, 2017
30 members including 2 potential members attended the club AGM. We all renewed our club membership and after the AGM business we presented our trophies.