From: Naomi Hancocks <> Subject: Antiques & collectibles enthusiasts for new TV Show Message Body: Hello, I work for the TV production company Spun Gold, we are currently looking for…
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Friday Evening Meeting – 19th August, 2016
The evening meeting was on ‘Mystery Finds’. Ken put together a quiz on his mystery finds which was won by Alastair. See how many finds you can recognise before looking at the…
Contaminated Green Waste
Dear all Further to the articles on CGW which appeared in the recent edition of Digging Deep, I am pleased to advise that there is now an app that can be…
Friday Evening Meeting – 17th June, 2016
We welcomed Gill & Ken and we were entertained with a talk all about Cartwheel Pennies and we looked at Gill’s collection of these coins and all the items that have been…