Members gathered at one of our Club sites for a search. The weather was reasonable for this time of year and the digging was relatively easy. The star find, made by Alan,…
The Big Wrap Up
Friday 15th November saw the members gathering for the festive wrap up of our farmers Christmas presents. Pierre took the opportunity to bring along two newly created display cases and Bob some…
The Forgotten Past: post-medieval small finds and their contribution to our understanding of the past
Lesley & Geoff together with ex-members of WKDC David & Ron attended the PAS conference at the British Museum on Monday 21st October, 2013. Below is the detail of the speakers and…
Evening Meeting – Friday 18th October, 2013
Eleven membes attended the ‘Mystery Finds’ evening and we were joined by Jennifer Jackson, the Kent FLO. We had an enjoyable evening with a ’round the table discussion’ and examination of some…
North Kent Ploughing Match 2013
On Saturday 28th September, the Club was represented at the North Kent Ploughing Match by: Gill, Pierre, Josh, Alan and Geoff. This was the first club display attended by new members Pierre,…
Evening Meeting – Friday 19th July, 2013
On a hot evening, Jennifer Jackson gave us a very interesting talk on ‘Graves & Grave Assemblages’. Geoff followed this with a presentation on two investigations with burials and cremations he has…
Evening Meeting – Friday 17th May 2013
We were delighted to welcome Dr Allan S, an ex-member/ex-secretary of West Kent Detector Club, to talk to us about Militaria. Allan had arrranged an excellent display and gave a very informative…
Annual General Meeting – 2013
The Annual General Meeting took place on Friday 15th March, 2013. Following the business the trophies were presented to the members present by the new Chairman, except the one he himself won…
Talk at Edenbridge Museum
Following on from the talk at the Eden Valley Museum, Ken & Gill visited the museum recently and viewed Bryan’s display. In the two local papers they also bought on that day…