The search planned for Sunday 12th January has been cancelled due to frozen ground conditions. The evening meeting planned for Friday 17th January has also been cancelled due to the room already…
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Please check all the usual places for details of a search this coming Sunday.
Search on sunday
Please can you check all of the usual places for details of Sundays search
Sundays Search
Please check your emails and WhatsApp for further info re Sundays search
LEGISE Briefing paper
Sorry, only logged in members of the West Kent Detector Club can access this.
Search Sunday 10th November
Please check all the usual places for details of a search
Sundays search
Please can you check your email and WhatsApp for details of a new meeting point for Sundays search
Please check all the usual places for details of a search on the 20th October
Please check all usual places for details of this Sundays search