With kind permission of Discover Roman Otford Project, WKDC members took a tour around the Roman building currently under excavation in Otford. Some members actually did some trowelling and learned some basic…
Visit Otford Roman Building
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Let’s keep what we have
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Friday evening meeting – 21st June 2019
We held a quiet evening meeting. There were no competitions to judge so we sat around and chatted about recoveries, the club stance on paying for searches (which we believe everyone has…
Lost ………………………….and found!
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It was probably some time between 1940-1943 that this watch was lost/discarded at an army camp in West Sussex. On 5th May 2019 it was unearthed by Dave Clark. The owner, Private…
Visit to Otford Roman Building
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Lullingstone Medieval Weekend 26-27th May, 2019
A few members rolled out the WKDC display for the Medieval weekend at Lullingstone Castle. Lesley, Geoff and Tim put up the club gazebo on Saturday afternoon. Lesley & Geoff, Tim, Ken…
Evening meeting – 17th May, 2019
We had a great evening with Gordon, an extremely interesting speaker. We also presented a club trophy to a member who was not present at the AGM.