A few members turned out to help at the Ploughing Match last Saturday. The weather was a bit ‘iffy’ but it was good to get the displays out again in public. Thanks…
September Evening Meeting – 16th
We had a quiet evening meeting but we sat around and identified peoples finds, judged the competition and drank tea and coffee.
Local Rally
I received this notification via our ‘Contact Us’ form on the club website and I know nothing about it other than is written here. I suggest if you are interested you…
Club Search Sunday 2nd October
There was a decent turnout for our latest dig and some very reasonable finds are still popping up. I saw two hammereds and a mid sized Roman bronze coin. My finds are…
Ken Lindridge
Sorry, only logged in members of the West Kent Detector Club can access this.
Appear on TV?
From: Naomi Hancocks <naomi.hancocks@spungoldtv.com> Subject: Antiques & collectibles enthusiasts for new TV Show Message Body: Hello, I work for the TV production company Spun Gold, we are currently looking for…
Friday Evening Meeting – 19th August, 2016
The evening meeting was on ‘Mystery Finds’. Ken put together a quiz on his mystery finds which was won by Alastair. See how many finds you can recognise before looking at the…
Contaminated Green Waste
Dear all Further to the articles on CGW which appeared in the recent edition of Digging Deep, I am pleased to advise that there is now an app that can be…
At our evening meeting on 15th July, some fourteen of us sat down for a chat which turned into an impromptu teach in on the subject of mudlarking – searching the Thames…